
10 Foods To Avoid If You Hate Feeling Bloated

Being bloated sucks. One minute, you’re comfortable and exuding confidence, and the next, you’re in pain and uncomfortable because of something you ingested.

You may be asking yourself, “What the hell is bloating, anyways? And what causes it?” Me too, girl, me too.

According to an article by Brandi Black on Paleohacks, bloating occurs when there is an overload of gas or fluids in the gastrointestinal tract or when bacteria residing in the large intestine are unable to break down and digest specific foods.

A majority of foods that induce bloating may be categorized as FODMAPs, an acronym that stands for “Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols.” FODMAPs are a type of short-chain carbohydrate or sugar molecule, and they can be difficult for the body to properly digest.

If you’re like me and would prefer to avoid bloating when possible, consider referencing this list of ten foods that can trigger bloating.

1. Raw Cruciferous Veggies

Cruciferous veggies, like kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage, can encourage bloating to occur when they’re consumed raw. They have a high fibre content, which makes it difficult for the body to break them down, so try steaming them instead to diminish the possibility of them triggering bloating.

2. Pop/Soda

Carbonated drinks contain–you guessed it–carbon, which can allow air to build up in the intestinal tract. This causes bloating, so switch your Coke out for water every so often.

3. Onions

This one really breaks my heart because I am an onion lover, but onions are classified as a FODMAP food. For some individuals, cooking onions down can lower the possibility of bloating, but if they continue to irritate your tummy even when cooked down, try avoiding them altogether.

4. Apples

Another kick in the gut for me, considering I eat two or three apples a day, but the high fructose levels in apples in combination with their fibre content can be a deadly mix in terms of bloating. Applesauce may be an option for people who feel personally victimized by the bloating apples can induce, but it’s no guarantee that you’ll avoid bloating.

5. Coolers

Any alcohol sweetened with sugar is likely to trigger bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. Coolers often contain low-calorie sweeteners, which are a FODMAP; therefore, you should consider some safer sweetener options that are less likely to cause bloating before downing than PalmBay.

6. Garlic

I doubt I would ever be able to completely cut garlic out of my diet, but because it is a cousin of the onion, it can be incredibly detrimental to the digestive system when consumed raw. When it comes to the potential that you will develop bloating, chives are a safer alternative to garlic.

7. Beans/Legumes

Fava beans, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts, and soybeans all have a protective coating called phytic acid, which can make digestion and nutrient absorption difficult. If you’re looking for protein, you’re better off consuming animal-based proteins such as eggs or meat.

8. Grains

Oats, rice, and wheat are the worst grains to consume if you want to avoid bloating because they also contain phytic acid. Quinoa is a safer alternative in the grain family, but it, too, contains phytic acid, so allow quinoa to soak overnight prior to cooking it to diminish its phytic acid content.

9. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain polyols, which unfortunately categorize them as FODMAP, and they can worsen digestive problems in people who have an overgrowth of candida yeast. This page about foods to avoid on the candida diet is helpful. Zucchini has a similar texture to mushrooms when sauteed but shouldn’t cause bloating, so it is a great replacement for mushrooms in your veggie dishes.

10. Dairy Products

Dairy products are high in lactose, which is a type of sugar found in milk. The body needs the digestive enzyme lactase to adequately digest lactose; however, lactase production in the body typically stops after babies are weaned off of breast milk. Casein, the main protein in dairy, can worsen inflammation in the stomach, which in turn can trigger bloating. There are more dairy alternatives available now than ever before, like cashew milk, coconut milk, and almond milk, so they may be the best option for you if dairy makes you feel bloated.

Yes, there are quite a few foods that can trigger bloating, but the most effective way to determine what exactly is causing your bloating is to eliminate any foods from your diet that you suspect may be the culprit. Take it slow and be patient; if altering your diet is going to allow you to feel better and healthier, it’s definitely worth it.


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