
CAGD Staff Demand V8s Instead of Saloon Cars For Official Duties

Source The Ghana Report

Some Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) staff are demanding four-wheel drive vehicles instead of the salon cars allocated to management and senior staff.

According to the staff members, they are unhappy with the allocation of Toyota Camry vehicles to deputy controllers in their entity while their counterparts in other government institutions use Toyota Landcruiser Prados and V8s.

They disclosed this during their annual conference at Mpraeso.

“I don’t understand why a department like this, which is very powerful when it comes to finances, all our deputy controllers are using Camry.

“Meanwhile, you go to ministries, especially the Ministry of Finance, and you see that deputy directors are using V8. It is very pathetic,” one of the staff lamented.

He also questioned whether the other regional directors using the V8s for official duties are better than them. Therefore, he called on the Controller and Accountant-General to intervene on their behalf to make their lives more comfortable.

“I am pleading that Controller – you do your best for us so that our deputy controllers, if not even V8, they should be given Prado. Our regional directors and the various directors at the head office should also be given Fortuners or any better car than the Camry and the pick-up,” he appealed.

Meanwhile, the Controller and Accountant-General, Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem, urged them to make do with the vehicles they have been given since they are new.

He also reminded his staff members of the government’s directive banning public officials from using V8s and V6s for official duties from 2023.

“If you listen to the last budget very well, the Finance Minister or President indicated that going forward, even heads of departments are to use saloon cars for day-to-day work and then four-wheel drive when you are going out of Accra. So we are trying our best,” he explained.

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