
NDC to scrap Founders’ Day Celebration

Source The Ghana Report/ Aba Asamoah

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has reiterated its intention to reverse the commemoration of August 4 as Founders’ Day if it is succesful in winning power from the governing NPP in 2020.

According to the NDC, the new holiday does not truly represent historical facts pertaining to the struggle for independence.

Celebrating August 4 as Founder’s day, the NDC claims, is a deliberate attempt by the Akufo-Addo government to rewrite the country’s history.

In a press statement condemning the decision by the Akufo-Addo led government to rewrite the country’s history, the NDC said, “The reason behind the August 4 commemoration is that President Akufo-Addo wants Ghanaians to remember the formation of UGCC because his grand-uncle, Dr. J.B Danquah, his uncle, Mr. William Ofori-Atta and his father, Mr. Edward Akufo-Addo were founders.”

The party’s position follows the maiden celebration of August 4 as Founders’ Day.

The NDC statement adds,”As ridiculous as this may seem, it is as clear as daylight that underlying this is President Akufo-Addo’s penchant to glorify his family for which reason he seeks to revise the history of Ghana at each and every opportunity. President Akufo-Addo’s insistence on foisting on Ghanaians the slender historical contributions of his relatives towards the struggle for the attainment of independence,as compared to the heroic contributions of the much venerated Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of blessed memory,can only be equated to the behaviour of megalomaniac power-drunk rulers of old.”

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) government in 2012, first earmarked September 21, Kwame Nkrumah’s birthday, as a day to celebrate the leader of the fight for Ghana’s independence.

The NPP however believes the toils of other people who played various roles in the fight for independence also need to be duly acknowledged hence the revision.

President Akufo-Addo at the commemoration of this year’s Founders’ Day celebration emphasized the need for Ghanaians to recognize the collective efforts played by key stakeholders towards the liberation of Ghana.

The President in a Facebook post to mark the day called on Ghanaians to also rise above partisan considerations and set the records straight.

“We acknowledge the role played by successive generations of Ghanaians towards the liberation of our country from colonialism and imperialism. It is time we rose above partisan considerations, set the records straight, recognize the collective efforts in gaining our freedom and independence from colonial rule, and do right by our history.
I wish all Ghanaians a happy Founders’ Day, and once again, I salute and pay tribute to all Senior Citizens in every part of the country today,” he wrote.

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