
Persons with disability need support, opportunities, not pity – GFD

Source The Ghana Report/Gloria Kafui Ahiable

The Ghana Federation of Disability organisation is calling for more opportunities for persons living with disability in the country.

According to the group, if institutions were more willing to help provide opportunities to deserving persons living with disability, many will desist from the act of begging.

Communications Director for the Federation, Adam Abdul Wahab in an interview with The Ghana Report said persons with disability only require help to be self reliant.

“Disabled persons do not need sympathy, rather they need empathy, support and opportunities from the general public to in order to develop,” he said.

His comment appears to be a direct response to a comment by Gender Minister, Cynthia Morrison, on begging by persons with disability.

Cynthia Morrison is reported to have expressed worry over the recent developments where people are seen giving alms to disabled persons on the streets.

But Abdul Wahab is of the view persons living with disability do not necessarily want to be a burden to society hence the need to empower them so they become self reliant.

He said a number of people living with disability have been given hands-on training while others are currently on the Livelihood Against Poverty  Program (LEAP), a situation he believes will help address the issue of street begging in the country.

He explained also that the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) for persons living with disability is one of the social protection interventions intended to alleviate the plights of persons living with disabilities.

He adds that the Ghana Federation of Disability organizations as a group is committed to ensuring the empowerment of persons living with disability in the country. He says the group is coming up with workable social intervention programs which will help many disabled persons on the street.

He added that GFD will ensure proper consultation is carried out before the government comes out with any policy that directly affects persons with disability.

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