
30-Year-Old Mason Dies From Electrocution After Climbing Utility Pole

Source The Ghana Report

A 30-year-old mason has met his untimely death after climbing an electricity pole at Kwame Ankrah in the Assin North District of the Central Region.

The victim, identified as Yaw Aputu, who had little background in electricals was hired by some members of the community to fix a problem on the pole.

They had reportedly experienced low power voltage for some time without getting the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to fix it.

He was however electrocuted in the process and died instantly.

Samuel Agyemang, a brother of the deceased narrating the incident indicated that though his brother had knowledge about electricals, he was not a qualified and certified electrician.

He said his brother was working on a mosque project with a building construction firm from Assin Adubiase.

Mr Agyemang added that he has no knowledge of how his brother got the tools to work or how he managed to climb the electricity pole.

ECG officials from Assin Foso immediately were at the scene to remove the deceased from the pole.

The body of the deceased has been deposited at the Assin Foso Government Hospital Mortuary.

Meanwhile, the Assin Foso police command has commenced an investigation into the matter.


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