
Is Cuddling a Sign of Love? 12 Secret Signs

Snuggling close is something you would only do with someone you have feelings for, but what if the guy or girl you like is sending you mixed signals?

Is cuddling a sign of love? 

It can be frustrating when a person is acting attentive and interested one minute and then standoffish the next.

What does it mean when a guy or girl wants to cuddle you? Are they interested in a relationship, or are they just looking for something sexual?

We’re solving the mystery of whether people like to cuddle, if cuddling always leads to sex and what it means when a guy or girl says they want to cuddle you.

Is cuddling a sign of love?

As amazing as snuggling close to someone feels, cuddling isn’t typically a sign of love.

Cuddling with someone you’re not dating could mean there are feelings there or it could be a person’s way of trying to have sex with you.

Don’t be discouraged by this answer. This does not mean that your partner feels nothing for you.

What does cuddling mean to guys or girls? You’ll have to do detective work around their cuddle body language to find out the answer.

Benefits of cuddling

Being touched has been shown to have a wide range of benefits. One study reveals that handholding, cuddling and hugging have been associated with:

  • Increased partner attachment
  • Greater perceived partner support
  • Enhanced intimacy
  • Heightened relationship satisfaction, and
  • Easier conflict resolution.

Health benefits aside, cuddling feels nice. Having a warm body beside you, stroking your arms, and cuddling up close is emotionally and physically satisfying.


Because cuddling releases the oxytocin hormone, that love hormone promotes bonding, reduces stress, and elevates your mood.

It’s no wonder you get attached when you’re cuddling someone you’re not dating. Do girls or guys get attached after cuddling? Keep reading to find out.

12 secret signs to understand the sign of love

If a guy or girl cuddles with you, what does it mean? If your partner is sending you mixed signals, it’s time to do some decoding. Here are some cuddling signs he or she likes you.

1. They like making you feel safe

What does cuddling mean to a guy or girl?

Some men or women like cuddling because it makes them feel your protector. They like to feel strong and make you feel safe and loved.

Oxytocin, released during cuddling, has been shown to increase trust, enhancing the feeling of making you feel protected.

2. They want to spend free time with you

If you are cuddling with someone you’re not dating, you may be confused about what they want from your time together.

But that’s the answer – time. Who do they want to spend all of their time with?

When you’re together, are they already making plans for the next time they can see you? If so, they are catching feelings fast.

3. Cuddling heightens emotional intimacy

Do guys or girls get attached after cuddling? Whether they want to, the body usually triggers an emotional response to physical touch.

Physical affection, such as hugging or cuddling, has been strongly related to partner satisfaction and heightened emotional intimacy.

Giving yourself to someone that way opens yourself up to romantic feelings, whether you mean to or not.

4. They are always supportive of your decisions

Is cuddling a sign of love? When a guy or girl says they want to cuddle you, it could mean they care about you, but what do their other actions say?

People who show their support for your goals are absolute keepers. They are confident enough not to feel intimidated by your aspirations. They are your constant cheerleader and want to make your life easier.

If the person you like constantly supports your decisions and dreams, they most definitely have romantic feelings for you.

5. What are they doing while they cuddle you?

What does it mean when a guy or girl wants to cuddle with you? It depends on what else they’re doing when they’re cuddling you.

Signs a guy or girl has feelings for you while you’re cuddling:

  • They are speaking sweetly to you
  • They are caressing your body
  • They are touching your hair

Signs he or she is not romantically interested in you while cuddling

  • They fall asleep
  • They always try to initiate a friends-with-benefits situation
  • They like tickling you like a buddy

6. They always want to touch you

Is cuddling a sign of love? One way to know their cuddling body language is by noticing how often they touch you.

If they genuinely feel genuine, they will naturally be drawn to your physical touch. Do they love touching you, holding your hand, rubbing your shoulders, or even playing footsie under the table? If they do, it’s a good sign that they have deep feelings for you.

7. They let you know they are thinking about you

Do people cuddle with just any person? Maybe, but they certainly don’t text and talk to just anyone.

One sign they like you is if they go out of their way to tell you they were thinking about you. Sending you sweet text messages or calling during the day to say “Hi” are signs that you are on his mind, and they can’t wait to talk to you. 

8. It’s in their eyes

One sign of love in their cuddle body language is their eye contact. Eye contact creates a sense of heightened intimacy and self-awareness. If you find they are always locking eyes with you, it means they enjoy the rush that happens when your eyes meet.

Is cuddling a sign of love? Find out by staring deep into their eyes and seeing if there is a spark.

9. Cuddling allows them to be vulnerable

What does cuddling mean to a guy or girl? For some, it’s their way to be vulnerable and intimate with you.

It’s hard to act tough or put an emotional wall up when your arms are wrapped around someone else.

Cuddling with someone you’re not dating may make your partner open up and get a little sentimental without feeling embarrassed.

If you find yourself deep in conversation during your snuggle sessions, instead of jumping to something more physically intimate, take it as a sign that they are falling for you.

10. They pillow-talkbh when you’re cuddling

Cuddling with someone you’re not dating can be emotionally confusing. Do guys or girls cuddle with just any person? What does cuddling mean to him or her?

One way you can read their cuddle body language is to see what they talk about when you are cuddling close.

Pillow talk is an intimate, relaxed conversation between two people during cuddling. It’s when they can let down their guard and talk about how much they like you and if they see a future together.

If they frequently tell you how he’d like you to meet his friends or family or speak of his future with you in it, it is a sign that they might be falling for you.

11. They like the way you feel

What does it mean when a guy or girl wants to cuddle with you? It means they want to feel good and want you to feel good too.

There’s something inherently nice about being physically close with someone without the expectation of sex.

They might love to snuggle next to you, but studies show that cuddling can greatly affect your health. Experts have published a study that reveals physical touch, such as hugging and cuddling, significantly lowers stress levels.

12. It is a Love Language

What does cuddling mean to guys or girls? Is cuddling a sign of love? For some people, it is.

According to Dr. Gary Chapman, physical touch is one of “The 5 Love Languages” partners desire. People usually reach out for emotional intimacy when they say they want to cuddle you.

As previously mentioned, cuddling releases the oxytocin hormone, creating a strong bond between partners.

If the partner you are cuddling seems to love holding your hands, kissing you, or having you touch him nonsexual, they may be falling for you.

What does cuddling mean to guys?

Do people cuddle with just anyone? Maybe, but maybe not.

You have to read between the lines to see what it means when a guy says he wants to cuddle you.

If the person you like shows you support, talks about your future, and never pressures you into taking your cuddling further, it may mean they are developing romantic feelings for you.

What does it mean when a guy wants to cuddle with you but always leads to something more? It may be that your love interest is only after sex. They may be pursuing a friends-with-benefits situation.

Summing up

Is cuddling a sign of love? Not necessarily.

If you want more with someone you’re cuddling with, talk to them about it.

Don’t waste time snuggling up to someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart.

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