
Strong personalities do not build a business, systems and structures do – McDan

Dr. Daniel Mckorley, Chairman and CEO-McDan Group of Companies, has stressed that strong personalities do not build businesses; rather, systems and well-placed structures are the keys to sustainable business growth and development.

Delivering the keynote address at the International Advertising Association’s (IAA) Annual Conference – Africa Rising 5 – Dr. Mckorley said: “Learn and teach your team to be adaptable and responsive to the tiniest level of change; strong personalities do not build a business; rather, systems, structures and good governance do; and finally, discipline is not just a keyword but also a watch-word”.

Speaking on the theme ‘Building and Sustaining Brands through Tough Economic Seasons’, he stated that the theme is very aligned to his recent experience, as he started two major businesses at the pandemic’s peak and in the face of all challenges.


According to him, the first business was in the mining sector. Arguably the largest salt-mining company in the whole of West Africa, Electrochem Ghana Limited farms and produces industrial salt – a natural resource that has the potential to transform industry in Ghana and the continent as a whole.

The second Business is McDan Aviation, which is the first private jet terminal in the country and a local Fixed Base Operator in Ghana. These two businesses are large ones which are in two growth sectors of the country, and running them requires immense drive and a clear sense of direction and purpose.

He maintained that at the pandemic’s peak and beyond borders, he rallied a team of professionals to help bring these ideas into reality. Although it was daunting, he believed it was a possible task. The astute industrialist mentioned that in running his conglomerate he has lived by certain principles which have served as his cardinal point in the business terrain; and he has christened them ‘lessons in maintaining brands so they can be sustained through tough seasons’,

Fourth industrial revolution

Dr. Daniel Mckorley stated that from his perspective the fourth industrial revolution is here, and for him the way forward for African Brands in terms of growth, sustainability and robust capacity is being able to break down all barriers to trade. He took the opportunity to mention his partnership with the African Continental Free Trade Area project (AFCFTA) as it begins to open up the doors of trade in various countries.

In his closing remarks, the chairman and CEO of McDan Group of Companies quoted the famous Charles Darwin: ‘It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change’. And he has a strong belief that African business brands with purpose will respond to change and sustain their growth, thus leaving lasting legacies.


The International Advertising Association (IAA) is the world’s most influential network of marketing and marketing communication professionals. It is the only global association that represents all spheres of the marketing and marketing communications industry with presence in most markets, and education affiliates reaching across 56 countries where collective interest of the entire marketing communication profession is shared.

On the ground, IAA has over 4,000 individual and corporate members spanning marketing, advertising, media, IT Communications and academic sectors – all involved in the wide range of brand marketing and marketing communications disciplines.

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