
50 Romantic Promises For Your Girlfriend

Source The Ghana Report

The dilemma between romantic promises and actions is ever-present. Some people prefer words, while others may give importance to actions.

On the other hand, some may weigh both promises and actions as equally important.

If you are tired of your partner complaining you are not “telling” you love them enough? Do not worry.

Go through this read, and you will find promises for love. You can send these to your partner throughout the day to make them happy.

Let’s get reading!

Important promises in a relationship

Words form an integral part of any relationship. Words are the key to communication. Communication, in turn, is the key to a successful relationship.

Pick your favorite promise in a relationship among the 50 we selected for you and share them with your loved one.

The best promise for a girlfriend or boyfriend includes a personal touch, so don’t shy away from customizing them.

  1. I promise to respect you—your thoughts, opinions, and actions.
  2. I promise to honor you for the person you are.
  3. I promise to sacrifice for you when you need me to. I will sacrifice time and give you priority.
  4. I promise to forgive you and value our relationship more than any fight we will ever have.
  5. I promise to protect you from all types of harm.
  6. I vow never to cause you pain or grief.
  7. I promise to support you through the hardships of life.
  8. I vow to always be the person you can rely on.
  9. I promise to be there for you and your hopes and dreams.
  10. I promise to value our differences and work on them until they become our strengths as a couple.
  11. I promise to support and push you to be a better version of yourself while accepting when you do the same for me.

Romantic promise for a girlfriend

How to make GF happy? Is love only shown through actions, or is love only limited to those three words, “I love you?”

Every person will have a different answer to this question. Ideally, you can find a balance between cute promises for your girlfriend and actions.

One should not fail on words or drawbacks on actions. Love is something to be felt, to be free, to be truly lived! The best promises of love are those that are fulfilled!

  1. I promise to be committed to you and only you.
  2. I promise to be loyal and love you how you wish to be loved.
  3. I promise not to leave you despite the challenges we might face.
  4. I promise to “have your back” in everything.
  5. I promise to honestly share what we need to work on in our relationship, even when it is difficult to bring up.
  6. I promise to put more emphasis on our relationship than the disagreements and arguments between us.
  7. I promise not to take you for granted.
  8. I promise to take the “never” and “always” out of our arguments.
  9. I promise not to expect you to be perfect and love all your imperfections.
  10. I promise not to bring up ex-partners or ask about them. I will leave the past in the past.
  11. I promise to treat you like a lady – open doors for you, walk next to you, and introduce you as my wife.
  12. I promise to aim to keep our relationship fun and avoid falling into boring routines.
  13. I promise not to treat you stereotypically and expect you to take any specific role due to your gender.
  14. I promise to listen to you with the intent to hear you, not just listen while waiting for my turn.
  15. I promise that you will never have to face any problems alone.

Promises for love to grow

Generally, males are not so good at showing affection, although they may love their significant other dearly. Consider how a promise SMS to a girlfriend can help you better demonstrate your care.

Then again, we are not stereotyping. In fact, according to many psychological studies, men and women do have different views and methods of expressing their love.

Therefore, ladies, pick a promise for love and surprise your boy today!

  1. I promise to never make you guess what I am thinking or feeling, rather to openly tell you.
  2. I promise to be by your side no matter what the situation is.
  3. I promise to admit when I’m wrong, or I make a mistake.
  4. I vow to love you even when I don’t like your behavior.
  5. I promise not to let my impression of who you are today be under the influence of your past.
  6. I promise to consciously, deliberately remain faithful when exposed to temptation.
  7. I promise to have an open discussion on boundaries to be happy together.
  8. I promise to avoid all judgment and to put in the effort to understand your choices.
  9. I promise to tell you the truth, especially when it is hard to hear.
  10. I promise to keep working on myself and be fulfilled with my project so I can truly be happy for your successes.
  11. I promise never to impose my opinions or choices on you.
  12. I promise not to have unspoken expectations regarding our relationship.

Cute romantic promises

Happy couple

Words are as important as actions in love. Use your selection of romantic promises for a girlfriend to woo her if your actions fail to bring her around.

These cute romantic promises for a girlfriend will surely increase her for you if you wish to be extra creative leave these romantic promises around the house.

Imagine the smile when she gets surprised by finding one of them. They will surely make her day, and you will earn some love credit!

  1. I promise to give you the benefit of the doubt.
  2. I promise to go with your movie choice, at least 50% of the time, even if they are ROMCOMs.
  3. I promise to assume all your actions come from the best of intentions.
  4. I promise to always be creative in thinking of ways to make you happy.
  5. I promise to be interested in your activities, even if they are scary or somewhat boring.
  6. I promise to kiss you even if you have bad breath.
  7. I promise to laugh at all the jokes you make, regardless of how unskillfully you tell them.
  8. I promise to eat what you cook, even if I have to pretend I enjoy it and endure stomach aches.
  9. I promise to laugh at myself and tease you as well.
  10. I promise to know how you like your eggs and coffee in the morning.
  11. I promise to be open to talk about and improve our sex life.
  12. I promise to love you a bit more every day.

The lessons?

Sometimes physically showing love or planning holidays is not enough. These actions, although portray love, sometimes fail to communicate what words can.

Hence, the power of romantic promises for your girlfriend or boyfriend should never be underestimated.

Without communication, a relationship cannot thrive. The depth of romantic promises is underestimated.

Include in your freaky relationship goals sending a new promise to each other every week or month, and you will emerge as a stronger and happier couple.

Don’t hesitate to send romantic promises as it may mean more to your partner than you can ever imagine.

Romantic promises for your girlfriend or boyfriend are powerful if you choose wisely, customize if needed, and keep to what you vowed to do. 

Speak your heart out. Never shy away from words. They are a very powerful tool!

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