
Kufuor, Mbeki named in MTN’s International Advisory Board

Former President John Agyekum Kufuor together with former South African President Thabo Mbeki have been named on MTN’s International Advisory Board (IAB).

“The Board has resolved to establish an IAB of prominent persons of considerable and wide-ranging experience,” a statement from the telecom’s giant said.

The primary purpose of the IAB will be to counsel, guide and support the MTN Group from time to time in fulfilling its vision and objective of being one of the premier African corporations with a global footprint in telecommunications, contributing to increased digital inclusion in Africa and the Middle East, a pivotal aspect of the fourth industrial revolution.

Whilst the IAB will be non-statutory in nature and not have any fiduciary responsibility, it will make an important contribution and play a highly valued role in ensuring that the Board is guided and assisted in achieving the company’s vision in a technically complex world with uncertain and shifting geopolitical interests. 

The IAB will commence on 1 July 2019.

The IAB will be chaired by His Excellency former President of the Republic of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki and will be constituted of the following persons:
•    President John Kufuor, former President of Ghana
•    Dr Aisha Abdullahi, former African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs
•    Dr Mohammed el Baradei, former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency
•    Dr Momar Nguer, President of Marketing & Services Total S.A. (France)
•    Phuthuma Nhleko, Chairman of MTN Group

MTN Group Chairman, Phuthuma Nhleko commented, “MTN Group highly appreciates and thanks to the MTN Group directors who will be stepping down after many years of valued service to the Group. We are confident that the incoming directors of the Board will bring a depth of skills and regional insights that will continue to enrich the experience of the board.”

The statement added, “We are most privileged and honoured to have His Excellency former President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Thabo Mbeki, agree to Chair the IAB and are grateful to all the distinguished persons of the IAB who have agreed to give of their valuable time to contribute to the development of telecommunications and connectivity in Africa and the Middle East.”

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