
10 Signs Your Wife/Girlfriend Just Slept With Someone Else

When something fishy is going on in your relationship, chances are, you can just feel it. Although it’s also fairly easy to misconstrue odd behavior as cheating, that gut feeling is spot on more often than not.

Once you spell your fears out loud, you’ll realize most of them make more sense in your head. With these 10 signs your wife just slept with someone else we’ll list out, things should get easier.

When in doubt about the monogamy of your relationship, your paranoia and desperation make you take drastic steps. But you don’t want to ruin your relationship with a baseless accusation either, right?

The best way to figure out if you’re being cheated on is by confronting your partner. But if you want to catch the signs your wife just slept with someone else before you have that confrontational conversation, we’re here to help you out.

10 Signs Your Wife/Girlfriend Just Slept With Someone Else

Let’s be clear about one thing from the get-go: you can never be 100% sure about infidelity just by anticipating and assuming. Either confront your partner about your suspicions (something we recommend) or gather irrefutable evidence. Finding out if she’s cheating on you online might be one of them.

Don’t go about stalking your partner trying to gather your “evidence” though. Just do the right thing, ask your partner if your suspicions just won’t let you be at peace.

That being said, there are still a few characteristics of a cheating woman you can catch if you look for them in the right places.

And no, your wife taking some other guy’s name a grand total of one time while dreaming does not qualify as a sign your wife likes another man.

There’s a fine line between catching physical signs your wife is cheating and just being a paranoid mess, accusing her of something she’s not guilty of.

So buckle in and keep your preconceived notions aside. Read the following signs with an open, unbiased mind and try to see if the following 10 signs your wife just slept with someone else apply to your situation or not:

1. Her phone is suddenly the most protected jewel in the world

In most relationships, your partner’s phone is always off-limits unless you’ve both discussed otherwise. However, if in the past when you’d be able to use your SO’s phone to place an order or just to google something and now it feels like she protects her phone more than the president’s bodyguards ever bothered to protect the prez himself, it’s a cause for concern.

If her passcode has gone from a 4 digit pin to what now seems like the nuclear launch codes, you know something could be up. She might go into a panic and grab her phone away from you when she sees you going near it.

The differences will be easy to spot since she didn’t have much to care about before. If she is actually cheating on you, her phone will hold all the secrets. So she’ll act like it’s an explosive device that will self-destruct the minute your hands get on it.

If you’re looking to answer “how can you tell if your wife has slept with someone else” try to notice if her phone has gone from a paperweight to top-secret FBI technology that must be protected at all costs.

2. White lies about things you know aren’t true

The characteristics of a cheating woman can often include them lying to you about a lot of things every day. They might be as simple as where she was throughout the day or other white lies about who she was with. Maintaining your sanity if your partner is a compulsive liar will put you to the test, as you’ll soon find out.

If you’re able to catch a lie or two, there’s no doubt your mind will rush toward thinking there’s foul play involved. While this in itself doesn’t ascertain infidelity, white lies coupled with tell-tale physical signs your wife is cheating definitely warrant your attention.

3. Her body language around you changes

While on the subject of physical signs your wife is cheating, there’s no better sign than the signals her body language sends you. Unfortunately for cheaters, controlling their body language while lying is extremely hard. So a few signs do slip by, all you have to do is make sure you catch them.

While her words may tell you something else, her body language may be screaming out signs of guilt.

Check to see if she’s avoiding eye contact with you. Or if she crosses her arms (to establish a barrier between you two) while you are having a rather serious conversation with her. Out of the 10 signs your wife just slept with someone else, this is a sign she will have the most trouble hiding.

Other signs like general stiffness, signs of anxiety, and nervous sweats can all be signs she cheated and feels guilty. The keyword being guilty. If you’ve got a guiltless monster on your hands, your best bet is to catch her in the act. Cue the dramatic reality TV music!

4. Unhealthy coping mechanisms

Chances are, you’ll see a sudden shift in her habits and the things she picks up. Cheating guilt takes a toll on anybody, and you eventually need to find a way to cope with it.

Most people choose unhealthy ways. You can answer “how can you tell if your wife has slept with someone else” by picking up on any unhealthy coping mechanisms she might have adopted.

It could be anything from drinking, smoking, binge-eating, shopping sprees, or anything else she recently picked up doing that isn’t all too healthy for her.

However if you’re one of those fitness freak couples (we all hate you, by the way), this one might be a little harder to catch.

Perhaps ask her why she stopped taking her protein shake or something? We assume that’s about as unhealthy as gym couples get.

5. She may appear distant

Be it through physical signs or from just the way she talks to you, she might seem as though she’s not as comfortable with you. Guilt often does that to a person. Out of the fear of being confronted, she will try to distance herself from you.

Not knowing that that will only invite you to have a conversation about her affairs if there are any. Being emotionally distant is a common relationship red flag you should watch out for.

The times when you two sat on the couch and had a spirited conversation about whose singing voice is worse now seem unachievable. She may appear to be spaced out while talking to you or just not mentally present at all. Almost as if she’s trying to escape into her own mind, even while she’s with you. It could be a sign she cheated on you last night.

6. The bedroom is strictly for sleeping in

Meaning, you can say goodbye to sex. From the 10 signs your wife/girlfriend just slept with someone else, this one will probably sting the most.

Her libido may suddenly die down, leaving you wondering if you did something wrong. In fact, the bedroom is the best place to notice all sorts of signs your wife likes another man.

If once in a blue moon you do get “lucky”, she might just ask you to do something different in bed. Before you hear this, make sure there isn’t anything around you that you can break: she might want something new because she likes doing it with her lover.

Let us just remind you, it’s also absolutely possible that due to a plethora of other reasons. She could be turning down your advances because she’s genuinely not in the mood for sex.

Maybe she’s too busy at work and the increased workload has diminished her sex drive. Or perhaps, a hormonal flux could be playing havoc on her libido.

Likewise, she could be harmlessly experimenting because she wanted to try something new she picked up while watching porn or her girlfriends recommended it.

But if lack of interest in sex happens in tandem with some of the other signs of cheating, then the presence of another man in her life cannot be ruled out.

7. She’s out of touch for hours on end

It is absolutely normal and believable that your partner may be extremely busy with work, and hence unavailable. However, if it seems like your partner suddenly has become the CEO of her company and is always knee-deep in work, something may well be askew here.

The excuses get more generic and the time she’s busy keeps increasing. “Work” or “there’s no signal” or “battery low” can only be used so many times before you start losing patience. If this has been going on for longer than you care to remember, it may be because she’s lying about sleeping with someone else.

8. The cuddles feel cold

How can something as miraculous and incredibly wholesome as cuddles ever feel cold, you ask? Yeah, we didn’t think it was possible either. But when a person is frozen solid with guilt, the result will be a cold cuddling session.

Physical or emotional intimacy of any kind will take a hit if she’s lying about sleeping with someone else. The hugs won’t feel as good, the kisses not nearly as passionate.

When you stop feeling good while hugging the person you love, it’s more depressing than calling a dog’s name only for him to completely ignore you. Hence, making it the most depressing thing in the world.

9. No promises for the future

While you were planning trips to the mountains or beaches just a couple of months ago, it now seems like your girlfriend/wife never talks about the future with you anymore.

That could simply be because she doesn’t see one with you, or she’s a time traveler and knows the world is ending in the next ten years anyway.

Jokes aside, if your wife/girlfriend is hesitant to talk about any future plans with you and says things like “you never know what’s going to happen”, there’s a chance it’s because she just slept with someone else and cannot envision a future with you anymore.

You don’t really need to cross out all 10 signs your wife just slept with someone else if you two can’t discuss your future at all.

10. Your partner is never home anymore

Your partner may have started going out as though staying at home now suffocates her. Her constant absence coupled with distant behavior may leave you feeling lonely in your relationship.

Even when she is home, intimacy is nowhere to be found. When she’s not home, she’s AWOL for hours on end. If you’re struggling to find happiness because of these signs, we recommend clearing things out with your partner immediately.

Even if you think your wife/girlfriend just slept with someone else, don’t invade her privacy, don’t force her to do anything. If these 10 signs your wife/girlfriend just slept with someone else have convinced you that something is up, tell her how you feel.

If she really is cheating on you, you at least get a reality check. If you ask us, you dodged a bullet. Imagine if she never told you she’s cheating on you. You’d have continued staying on in a relationship that’s all but over.

Even if your partner admits to having cheated, we recommend that you don’t act on impulse. Yes, when your trust is shattered, staying on together can seem near impossible.

So, take some time off to process the feelings of hurt and betrayal and then think about what you want. If she regrets cheating and a part of you too doesn’t want to let go of the relationship, maybe you can consider reconciling and recovering the setback of infidelity. But if her infidelity feels like the last nail in the coffin, walk out and move on.


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