
Speaker recalls MPs from recess

The Speaker of Parliament has recalled MPs from recess for sittings from next Monday the 29thof April to Friday 3rd May.

According to a notice from Parliament sighted by Citi News, the Speaker is acting in accordance with order 42(3) of the Standing Orders of the House.

The Companies Bill, which is currently under consideration, is expected to feature on the agenda alongside other important matters of concern.

Initially, work on the Vigilantism and other Related Offences Bill was expected to be part of the agenda, but Citi News understands that such plan has been halted.

The Bill was laid in Parliament on the last day of sitting before recess under a certificate of urgency by the Attorney General to deal with political vigilantism as proposed by the President.

The Speaker last ruled that it should be considered as the first item when the House is recalled.

But Citi News understands the Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee of the House, has been asked to defer all the work on the Bill.

According to the Ranking Member on the Committee, Inusah Fuseini, the Bill has been overtaken by events.

“The Vigilantism Bill has been overtaken by events,” the legislator told Citi News.

“The information we have is that we should suspend all further considerations of the Vigilantism Bill because when we come back on 29th of April, next week Monday, we will be doing the Corporate Bill so the Vigilantism Bill is no longer on the radar.”

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