
No ‘prophecies of doom’ on 31st night – Police warn clergy

Source The Ghana Report

The police have urged religious bodies to desist from prophecies as 2021 draws to a close.

In a statement, the police explained that such prophecies of ‘doom’ which is usually publicised on 31st Watch Night services, create fear and panic.

While the police insisted that it is not against prophecies and has acknowledged the public’s right to religion, freedom of worship and free speech, it also pointed to the fact that the said rights are subject to laws.

The law enforcement body said culprits may spend a maximum of five years in prison.

“Over the years, communication of prophecies of harm, danger and death, by some religious leaders, have created tension and panic in the Ghanaian society and put the lives of many people in fear and danger.

“It is a crime for a person to publish or reproduce a statement, rumour or report which is likely to cause fear and alarm to the public or to disturb the public peace, where that person has no evidence to prove that the statement, rumour or report is true,” the police said.

It further warned that using electronic communications to knowingly and likely to prejudice the efficiency of life-saving service or to endanger the safety of any person is also a crime.

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