
21 Reasons for Marrying Your First Love

Many people marry their first love and others that do not. You may be wondering if marrying your first love is a good idea. Like with most other things in life, there are pros and cons for either decision.

Keep reading for more information on whether you should marry your first love or not. The decision is ultimately up to you.

21 reasons to consider for marrying your first love

When you consider marrying the love of your life, there are many possible reasons to do so. Here is a look at 21 reasons to consider marrying your first love.

1. You have so many memories together

If you marry your first love, you likely have so many memories and inside jokes to draw from. This can make the relationship more fun and happier at times.

2. You don’t have to worry about exes

There are no crazy exes you’ll have to deal with if you are in a first love marriage since you don’t have any. This is even more special if your mate doesn’t have any either.

3. There are no lost loves to pine for

Since you are married to your love, you don’t have to worry that either of you is thinking about and wishing for someone else.

4. You likely know each other well

You probably have a lot of history with each other too, so you know what they are going to do or say before it happens. This can be beneficial.

5. There’s history there

You also have a history together. You have been through ups and downs, so you know when you are able to count on them.

6. There’s probably less baggage

When people have been through fewer relationships, this sometimes offers less baggage. When you are with your first love, you likely haven’t been hurt by someone else in the past.

7. You don’t have to date

Dating can be really difficult, especially in the age of online dating apps. When you are married to your first love, you don’t have to worry about dating and cultivating a relationship with someone new.

8. You have someone you trust to lean on

Do you need some advice or an opinion on something important? You often don’t have to look any further than your mate.

9. You aren’t alone

You also don’t have to be concerned about being alone. You are with your love and perhaps your best friend each day.

10. People admire your relationship

When others find out how you married your first love, they may start to admire you and your relationship.

11. Your feelings are strong

With first love, the feelings you have for each other are often intense and strong. This can be a good thing, especially when they last, and you feel the same way for many years.

12. You are able to communicate well

You may have been able to learn how to communicate better over time. In some relationships, this takes years, and in others, it comes easier.

13. You have a special routine

You know what they like, and they know what you like so that you may have a comfortable routine.

14. Your kids can have a good example

If you have kids, they will likely have an example of a loving relationship. They will know that they do not need to go through heartbreaks to end up with the one, and the chances are that their first love ends up being their life partner.

15. They still see you as your younger self

No matter when you meet your spouse, even if it was in your teens, they probably still remember you that way. They might think about how much you have changed and appreciate it too.

16. You may have grown up together

If you did meet your partner at an early age, you could have grown up together. This means you have shared experiences from different parts of your life, which may contribute to your bond.

17. There’s often no problem in the bedroom

When you marry your first love, you may not have any issues in the bedroom. You both know what the other person likes and wants.

18. You don’t have to look any further for love

When you are wondering if it is possible to marry your first love, the answer is yes. If your first love is the one for you, this means you found love earlier in life. Other people you know may have to wait many years for their partner.

19. There are no comparisons that need to be made

When neither of you has loved anyone else, you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone else. This can take a lot of pressure off of you.

20. There is mutual respect

You might also have mutual respect for one another since you are so important to each other.

21. No Valentine’s Day by yourself

When there are holidays, especially couple-focused holidays, you aren’t alone. You always have someone to watch your favorite movies with or buy candy for.

Marrying your first love: Pros and cons

Like with other major decisions in life, there are pros and cons associated with marrying your first love.

Pros of marrying your first love

  • You know them well.
  • You are in love with them.
  • You have experienced a lot of firsts with your first love.
  • You have someone you trust around all the time.

Cons of marrying your first love

  • You might feel like you are missing out on other relationships.
  • You may have a hard time deciding that you don’t want to be with your first love anymore.
  • You don’t have anything to compare your relationship to.
  • You may have married for the wrong reasons because you were comfortable with your partner.

FAQs on marrying your first love

Here are some questions frequently asked when it comes to marrying your first love.

1. How many people marry their first love?

While there are no solid or recent statistics related to how likely you are to marry your first love, there are a few things to consider.

One is that more people are deciding to get married for love, instead of other reasons. If your first love is who you see yourself with in the future, and you love them enough to take that step, then it may be very likely that you’ll marry them.

However, if, for some reason, you are interested in seeing what else is out there for you, you are less likely to marry your first love. You may find that someone else is a better fit for a life-long commitment.

2. What are the odds of marrying your first love?

Again, this is a topic that isn’t widely studied and reported on, but one source indicates that around 25% of females marry their first loves, who in some instances are their high school sweethearts. This doesn’t mean this is your chance of marrying your first love, though.

3. Can you marry your first love?

People sometimes marry their first love. You may or may not end up marrying your first love, depending on what age you find them in life. You should know that there are people out there who have married their first loves and are still married, and others who have and are now divorced.

4. Can your first love be the one?

Yes, your first love can be your love for the rest of your life. Some people never get over their first love, and if you marry yours, you don’t have to get over them.

5. Can you marry your first boyfriend?

You can marry your first boyfriend, especially if you feel like he is the one for you. There are couples out there who haven’t dated anyone, but their current spouse and are happy.

6. Can your first love last?

It is possible for your first love to last. However, you must remember that most marriages aren’t like fairy tales, so you will have to work at them, no matter who you decide to marry.

7. Should you marry for love?

While some people marry for love, others do not. You should decide what is best for you and your relationship and decide from there what to do.

8. Do some people regret marrying their first lover?

In some cases, people will likely regret marrying their first love, but in other cases, they will not. Before you determine you want to get married to anyone, you need to consider what values you desire in a partner and if your current partner meets those requirements. This can help you understand better if you should marry them or not.

9. Should you marry your first love?

No one can tell you with certainty if you should marry your first love or not. Some couples may not meet until high school or college, but you may have met your first love in grade school.

Again, it is important to determine what you want in a mate and find someone that has these qualities. If your first love has them, they may be the right person for you to marry.


There are many reasons to consider marrying your first love, and perhaps, some to consider not doing so.

It is important to take your time to make the best decision for you and think about what you want out of your future marriage. Your first love may be able to give it to you, and if they cannot, you might want to look elsewhere.

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