
NDC leaked tape will not affect Peace Council’s work – Prof Emmanuel Asante

Chairman of the National Peace Council, Prof Emmanuel Asante has said the Council’s work will not be affected by comments supposedly made by the Chairman of the opposition NDC.

Prof Asante said the Council will continue to perform its duties as mandated by law and will not be swayed by what people have said against it.

“I think it is an institution – the National Peace Council – let’s look at it that way and whatever was said in the tape is not going to dissuade the Council from doing what it is expected to do by the laws of the land.

“And I am very sure that we are not going to be sidetracked on our responsibilities and not do what is expected of us,” he said on Joy FM’s Midday News.

Prof Asante’s comments come after a leaked recording of an alleged meeting of the party’s communicators made damning claims against the Chairman.

A voice believed to be that of the party’s Chairman, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo in that tape could be heard calling for Prof Asante to be verbally abused.

“There are CSO and religious organisations especially the Peace Council chair. For the first time, I will endorse insulting the Peace Council chair,” he said and added when the group clapped “I like that. We have already started.”

That same voice was also heard asking for the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa to be to “taken to the cleaners.”

While Mr Ofosu Ampofo has been sternly criticised by a section of the public, his party has mounted a strong defence for him, saying the tape was doctored and leaked by government.

Mr Ofosu Ampofo has been invited by the Police CID over the leaked tapes 

Following the release of the leaked tape, however, the NDC Chairman has written a surprise letter to President Akufo-Addo in response to his directive for the two major political parties to come together and find a solution to the party militia menace.

In that letter, Mr Ofosu Ampofo said the NDC will avail themselves “of the opportunity whenever at the pleasure of Your Excellency and at a venue convenient for the purpose.”

He also proposed for the inclusion of the National Peace Council Chairman as a mediator and suggested that a representative from the National Peace Council be appointed for that task of moderating the dialogue between NDC and NPP on breaking up party-affiliated militias.

Prof Asante has welcomed the call.

“We welcome it and once the parties agree to that and it well for them, we will be willing to offer our services,” he said.

He added that he “[Rev]. Prof Emmanuel Asante has nothing against the NDC and he will be focused on the work that has been entrusted into his hands until he finishes his term.”

President welcomes NDC Chairman’s letter

Communications Director at the Jubilee House says the president has welcomed the NDC Chair’s response to his call for party militias to be disbanded.

Eugene Arhin said “whatever comments he [the president] has with respect to the letter sent by Mr Ofosu Ampofo will be publicised.”

He added that the president will address some concerns raised by Mr Ofosu Ampfo in his letter. That response he added should be ready in the shortest possible time.

Source: Myjoyonline

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