
Heward-Mills begs Otumfuo over criticisms

Founder and leader of the Lighthouse Chapel International, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, has apologized to the Asante monarch, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, over a controversial sermon.

In the sermon, the preacher man juxtaposed the legacy of the biblical King Solomon to the impact Otumfuo has on his subjects.

He also criticised the achievements of Otumfuo since he was installed as king of the Asante Kingdom.

“I hear people refer to the Otumfuo as King Soloman; you cannot compare him to Solomon. Solomon was a man of vision and had a positive impact on his people…as for us, what you hear and see is huge billboards mounted; Otumfuo’s 20-years-coronation celebration….”

The sermon, however, appears to have provoked some Ashanti’s.

They have dragged the preacher to the cleaners, demanding an unqualified apology.

In his defence, the televangelist said the message was preached 20-years ago when the Asantehene was barely 3-years into his reign.

He added that he had been taken out of context, and the clip is being shared by people with parochial interests.

“I am deeply saddened that a message I shared at a conference, nearly 20 years ago, has been taken out of its context and circulated by persons who have previously declared that they will maliciously cause our churches in Kumasi to be closed down”.

“I wish to apologize to His Majesty Otumfuo Nana Osei Tutu II for any disrespect, insult or harm caused him or his royal court. Please accept my profound apologies for the statements I made”.

Bishop Heward-Mills has been in the news lately following reports of non-payment of social security of some pastors.


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