Over 200 students trained in peace and security
Over 200 students from the Kwanyako Senior High Technical School in the Central Region have been trained in peace and security issues.
The training was organised by the Directorate of Education and Training of the United Nations Youth Association Ghana together with the Amann Centre for Democracy, Security and Counter-Terrorism.
The exercise was held on May Day, Saturday, May 1, 2021.
The Director of Education, UNYA-GH, Adu-Twum Sadiq, said the sensitization training programme forms part of the overall strategy and contribution of the organisation to equip the youth with peace, security and leadership skills.
He said this would help them participate in the decision-making processes as enshrined in the United Nations Resolution 2250 adopted in 2015.
He further indicated that the UNSCR 2250 addresses youth matters from international peace and security perspectives through; participation, protection, prevention, partnership and disengagement and reintegration of the youth to fully contribute to the global peace agenda.
“The world is currently in turmoil, and Ghana is not an exception with the experience of protracted communal conflict stemming from land, chieftaincy and election-related violence in some parts of the country. The youth cannot be left out in the equation but rather to be equipped with the requisite knowledge in peace and security to become agents for peace rather than conflict,” he reiterated.
Deputy director of education for the UNYA-GH and a tutor, Ms Adeline Baidoo, also admonished the students to take their studies seriously, follow their passion and aspire to greater heights in life.
She pointed out that “in life, one needs to be humble, respectful, obedient and prayerful in everything they do”.
The students were taken through peacebuilding strategies, countering-violent extremism and terrorism, as well as leadership.
The Director of Education and Training (UNYA-GH), the special guest of honour, spoke on discovering, developing, and deploying generational leaders.
Some students were honoured with books and Chocho products for their exemplary leadership skills during the sensitization training seminar.
Ms Shirley Nyamekye, a tutor with Kwastech who spoke on behalf of the headmistress, lauded the United Nations Youth Association Ghana and Amann Centre for Democracy, Security and Counter-Terrorism-Africa for such a wonderful and educative program.
She believes this training was coming at a time where communities are faced with a lot of violent crimes involving the youth.
She appealed to the organizers to come back to Kwanyako Senior High Technical School to engage the students more on these important issues.