
NDC flagbearer aspirants to meet party’s Election Committee today

The Election Committee of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) will later today [Thursday] engage the party’s flagbearer hopefuls to outline the operational guidelines for the elections.

This follows a petition forwarded to the party by six of the aspirants demanding the guidelines for the upcoming election.

The six had previously raised issues with the electoral register and the choice of printing firm for the ballot papers.

According to the six aspirants, the party should award the contract for the printing of the ballot papers to a trustworthy firm such as the Assembly Press, to ensure that some of the irregularities that rocked the party’s national executive election held in November 2018 do not re-occur this time around.

The flagbearer election is slated for Saturday February 23, 2019.

But the deputy General Secretary of the NDC, Peter Boamah Otukunor told Citi News the party has re-looked at its guidelines for the polls and has gotten approval from the National Executive Council for the finalized guidelines.

The election committee will share the operational guidelines with the flagbearers during the meeting.

“We were working on an operational guideline that will help the activities on the ground during the elections and we have consulted them extensively. The NEC has looked at it and approved that we meet the aspirants and share the details of the operational guideline with them,” he said.

The flagbearer aspirants are Alban SK Bagbin, Nurudeen Ali, Sylvester Mensah, Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, Goosie Tanoh and Joshua Alabi.

Source: citinewsroom

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