
Kafaba now ghost town after 90-yr old woman gave up the ghost in ‘sickening’ lynching

Residents of Kafaba in the Savannah Region have fled the area after security personnel stormed the community following the killing of a 90-year-old woman.

Ekua Denteh was accused of being a witch after a self-styled priestess declared her the cause of the town’s misfortunes.

The deceased was beaten and killed by some residents led by the priestess in broad daylight.

The Inspector-General of Police (IGP), James Oppong-Boanuh on Saturday dispatched a team of homicide experts to the Savannah Region to arrest the perpetrators of the heinous crime which has since sparked public outcry.

Accra-based Starr FM reports that shortly after the security personnel stormed the area, most residents have packed out of the town over fears of their lives.

The station, however, reported that though the about 30 police officers were not armed to the teeth, their presence had brought anxiety and uncertainty which was gradually turning the town into a ghost town.

According to them, the residents say they are uncomfortable with the tag the action of some of the town folks has brought.

The gruesome killing of Madam Denteh has sparked widespread condemnation from the Gender Ministry, Running mate for the NDC, Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, and former Presidents Mahama and Rawlings.

The 90-year-old being beaten by her attackers

The Inspector-General of Police (IGP) James Oppong-Boanuh announced a GHC2,000 reward for anyone with credible information which could lead to the arrest of the perpetrators.

The soothsayer and her accomplice stormed the East Gonja Municipality of the region to drive out witches, accused of hampering the progress of the town folks.

The deceased was accused of witchcraft by the soothsayer, Filina, and her accomplice.

There have been growing calls for the arrest of persons within the community but four days after the gruesome murder of the frail 90-year-old woman, the police are yet to effect any arrest.

Ekua Denteh according to reports was dragged 800 meters away from her home only to be beaten to death by her attackers in broad daylight.

She was hit, kicked and whipped by the two women as the large crowd cheered them on.

The deceased was seen in a viral video pleading with her attackers to spare her life as she denied the accusations of being a witch.

But her pleas were flatly rejected by her abusers who led her killing.

  1. Martin Akpatsa says

    Are e serious at all in 21st CENTURY?

  2. Martin Akpatsa says

    Learn how to safeguard the dignity of humanity

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