7 Ways To Start Your Day To Feel More Accomplished
Whether you wake up before your dreaded alarm or always give yourself that extra time to get ready just in case, there are mornings where we just twiddle our thumbs and kill time before we start our day.
Instead of doing a second scroll through your timeline on Instagram or Twitter (you know, because you do that before you even leave your bed), there are a few other things you could do in that spare time.
1. Pack a Healthy Lunch
There’s something to be said about making your own lunch and feeling like an adult. And when you do the finishing touches before you leave, you feel super accomplished. Portion your container of leftovers from last night or dice the veggies that are about to go bad and make a healthy snack in the mornings.
2. Make a Fruit Infused Water Bottle
Fruit infused water is a seriously underrated trend we should all be participating in. It’s incredibly healthy for us, and it’s also a great way to get water and fruit into our system. Plus it’ll last you all day! And helps you clean your fridge and kill time before you leave for the day as well.
3. Start Your To-Do List
To-do lists always make you feel organized, especially if you already have things to check off of them. Plus, it helps your day flow nicer. So by taking the three minutes during your mornings to reflect on all you have to do for the day, you have a chance to really think about what you want to accomplish.
4. Make An Iced Coffee
You already love coffee in the morning, so why not spend an extra few minutes becoming your own barista and making your own brew? Not only will you save money and time waiting in line at a shop or drive through, but you’ll get to treat yourself to the extra special iced coffee you deserve to have.
5. Actually Eat Breakfast
Our lives are always so rushed, that we find skipping meals has become normal for us. By implementing a mandatory breakfast, you’ll provide your body with more energy throughout the day and keep yourself from snacking on unhealthy foods, which we all have hidden somewhere. It will also give you a solid routine.
6. Make Your Bed
My mother was right when she said that a bedroom always looks super clean and put-together when the bed is made, even if the rest isn’t. This step only takes two minutes tops unless you have to fix that stupid fitted sheet that never wants to stay on the bed. So, it literally takes no time to do!
7. Listen to a Podcast
Whether it’s a meditation podcast to help you relax before the stress of your day begins or catching up on your favorite celebrity gossip podcast. Take the time and listen while you go about your routine. It’ll help pace your day and get you ready while making you feel like you caught up on something you’ve wanted to for a while.
Sitting around on your bed waiting to leave doesn’t have to be a boring catch up on social media time. There are so many things that can help make you feel more accomplished that also help put you ahead by just a little bit in terms of what tasks you have to do for the day. The key is trying to be as productive as possible in the limited time you have to do so.