
7 best foods to eat for breakfast for you to lose weight

If losing weight is one of your resolutions, then you have to try a little harder. Exercising alone will not shed those pounds. You will have to work on your diet as well.

And that means ditching some eating habits and adopting healthier ones.

It’s not going to be easy for sure, but you can do it if you are willing to. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And do we have to be reminded of that every day?

Anyways, if you are looking forward to losing weight, we have made a list of some of the best foods you should be eating for breakfast:

1. Eggs

Though eggs are a bad idea for weight loss? Not at all. Studies show that people who eat eggs for breakfast fill fuller all thanks to their protein content. This translates to eating less food later in the day hence boosting weight loss.

2. Yoghurt

Mhmm, who said the weight loss diet has to be boring and tasteless? We all love yoghurt and yes, you can eat it for breakfast if you want to lose weight. It increases satiety thus reducing hunger levels.

3. Oatmeal

Well, this may not be everyone’s cup of tea but as we said, it’s not gonna be a walk in the park. You will have to sacrifice. Oats are full of fibre which keeps you fuller and they also help you burn more calories during workouts.

4. Avocados

See, we promised that it doesn’t have to bore. Who would even think that avos are actually awesome for weight loss? They are rich in fibre and you could add half of it to your breakfast. Or still, make a smoothie.

5. Raspberries

Here’s another one that’s loaded with fibre. Eat a cup of raspberries in the morning and you won’t have to snack after every hour.

6. Green tea

Extensive studies have proved that green tea helps boost metabolism and also promotes fat burning.

7. Nuts

Healthy nuts such as almonds are rich in proteins, fibre and healthy fats. They are a healthy choice for breakfast that will also help you lose weight.


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