6 Ways Women Can Maintain Urinary Health
Women are often more prone to urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections. It’s unfortunate and, many times, it becomes a major disruption in daily life. But, women don’t like to address these problems with their healthcare providers. It is an overlooked topic that demands more attention.
Females need to understand the importance of urinary health. Women are at a higher risk for urinary tract issues when compared to men (30 times more likely, in fact!). It happens more likely in the wake of big life events such as childbirth and menopause.
So, what exactly is bladder health, and how can you tackle it effectively? Prevention is the best way to tackle these kinds of bladder conditions, and there are many ways females can do it.
1. Get To Know Your Bladder
More often than not, women don’t have a good handle on what’s going on with their own anatomy. However, your health is a crucial part of your well-being, including your bladder. If you are unsure or don’t know where to begin with your urinary health, maybe talk to a trusted friend first whom you do feel comfortable with in discussing those problems.
Eventually, you can work to feel more confident about your body and locate precise areas of pain or discomfort in your bladder. Perhaps you experience pain during sex or bladder leakage when you sneeze or cough. Then, you can have an honest conversation with your doctor about your problems and where they may stem.
Your doctor is there to help you, not to judge you, so you shouldn’t feel ashamed in bringing up your urinary problems, and what you can do to fix them.
2. Check Your Diet
Yes, your diet plays a major role and can affect your bladder health. Consider how certain foods and liquids can upset your stomach, causing a lot of bloating and gas. There are foods and beverages that work against your bladder, cause irritation, and even go as far as to give your pelvis problems.
Check and see if you have a lot of the following foods and liquids within your diet, which are known bladder irritants:
- Caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, soda)
- Alcohol
- Citrus
- Tomato products
- Spicy foods
It’s okay to have some of these, but if you overdo it, you may experience an overactive bladder due to spasms. It can help to journal the foods and drinks you have daily and present them to your doctor to give a better idea of what your average diet looks like.
3. Drink Lots of Water
Another preventative measure you can take to help improve your bladder health is water. Staying hydrated helps keep UTIs and other bladder irritations away. A great way to tell if you’re getting enough water is by checking your urine; if it’s dark or very yellow, it has less water and you’re dehydrated. The lighter in color it is, the more hydrated you are.
The National Academy of Medicine suggests that an adequate amount of fluid is about nine glasses of water per day for women, with higher amounts needed for those who are more physically active or in warmer climates. It’s also a good idea to drink more in the colder climates too since heaters and heat sources dry you out.
4. Use Urinary Specialty Products
Urinary incontinence isn’t something that goes away. To help deal with urinary leaks and spasms, you may need to invest in specific underwear and pads. These products are essential to help make you feel less stressed and provide comfort for bladder problems.
Because Market for women has specialty products tailored specifically to help deal with the issues that stem from urinary incontinence. In most cases, it helps give you peace of mind, so you don’t have to keep making multiple trips to the bathroom every time you go out.
5. Exercise Your Pelvis
Pelvic floor exercises are one more essential aspect of your bladder health to focus on when you want to reduce or eliminate urinary problems. Many women have heard of Kegel exercises, but the pelvis is the bigger organ that helps keep our urinary tract in optimum shape.
Consider consulting with a strength trainer or pelvic floor therapist for assistance. Yoga classes can also focus on the pelvic floor in some cases. Have a discussion with your doctor about exercises for your pelvic floor to see what you can incorporate into your daily routine.
6. Get Educated on Urinary Health
Education is a big factor, and more schools and instructors should recognize the importance of urinary health. Students who hold their urine during school hours so as not to miss class tend to lead to the weakening of pelvic muscles and bladder leaks, as well as a higher risk for UTIs. It leads to more urinary concerns in the future.
Don’t shy away from learning about your bladder. Talk to your primary care doctor, and see what steps you can take steps to help improve bladder conditions. It may include examining your diet and incorporating more water and exercise into your lifestyle.