5 Ways To Handle Period Leaks In Public
Keeping track of our menstrual cycle is difficult as is. But what if we experience excessive heavy bleeding? Even if we do have enough pads, some of us may experience a leak.
And if we’re unlucky, this period leak may happen in public without us knowing.
What is a period leak?
The name is a giveaway: A period leak is when the blood from your period leaks through your clothing. It leaves an unforgiving stain. And because it’s not regularly discussed, the topic is still considered taboo.
What are the causes?
Contrary to popular belief, the causes of a period leak are often not black and white. There are many factors, including pre-existing health conditions, the application of menstrual products, and blood flow. So, let’s look at each:
1. Pre-existing health conditions
Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) often experience inconsistencies with their periods. The flow can range from being heavy to the point where some may experience amenorrhea, the absence of menstruation for more than three consecutive cycles.
Throughout the months when blood flow is heavier, there are more chances of leakage.
2. Application of menstrual products
The way menstrual products are positioned can also affect leakage. Let’s take the pad, for example. If the pad is crooked, you may experience an incident. And for pads, the situation does vary even more. If you’re sleeping, you may change positions, resulting in a need for more area coverage.
However, that’s the case with other period products as well. For instance, if the menstrual cup isn’t the correct fit, a leak may happen too.
3. Blood flow
Some teenagers and perimenopausal women may suffer from menorrhagia, AKA heavy blood flow. There are many causes, such as estrogen levels, hormone imbalances, pregnancy, and IUDs.
But how can we handle these period leaks? Here are five ways to stop the leak or cope with it when it happens:
1. Go to the washroom immediately
When you feel that you may be leaking, it’s best to go to the bathroom ASAP. Check if you’re on your period. If you happen to be and you notice some stains on your clothing, dabble some cold water and soap on the stain. Then, dry the spot off before washing your hands.
2. Find a temporary cover-up
If you have an extra sweater, you can tie it around your waist to hide the back of your pants. Long sweaters or shirts are helpful as well, as you can stretch them over to hide the soiled part. But you’re ultra lucky if you’re wearing a long jacket because you can just wear that for most of the day.
3. Apply more protection
When one pad isn’t enough, double up with two pads. There will be less chance of an incident. However, if you’re near a drugstore, you can run to the store and purchase period panties. Period underwear can supposedly hold five times more blood than a tampon and is known for its high absorbency. Though costly, the price is worth the hassle as you won’t need to wear pads or other products.
4. Buy a new pair of pants
If you’re near a store, you can run to purchase a new pair of pants. As soon as you purchase these, you can easily change out of your old pair and put them in a bag for the stained clothing. Continue to double up on your products even if you change to a fresh new pair to avoid another leak.
5. Look for alternate arrangements for commuting
When the day is over, and you need to commute home, try looking for alternate arrangements. If you do not have access to a clothes store and have to spend the day wearing soiled clothing, going on public transportation isn’t ideal.
When you have a car, you can easily drive yourself home. But for those who don’t, consider taking an Uber or Taxi home. It will save up a lot of the stress in dealing with the public.
It’s definitely difficult to deal with a leak in public. But as uterus-holders, we may find ourselves in this situation. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to deal with it. Still, it’s best to remind yourself to never shame yourself during your period. We cannot control our menstrual cycle, and periods still have a long way to go to become normalized.