5 Signs You Might Have A Hearing Loss Problem
Hearing ability is one of those things that naturally decline as humans get older. Yet whether age is a factor or not, any level of depleted function in the ears is something that needs assessment in a professional environment.
This is because your ears and therefore your hearing are precious assets that need the optimum level of care should they begin to malfunction. Here are the top signs to let you know a problem may be brewing with your ears.
What to Do if You Suspect Hearing Loss
Sometimes, it’s all in your head. Other times, it’s temporarily brought on by a general virus in the body or similar. Whatever the problem, it is important to investigate any form of hearing loss to the fullest extent.
This can protect the ears in the future and provide a course of treatment to either support or rectify the concern at hand. To confirm whether the hearing loss is caused by sensorineural problems or conductive ones, the best course of action is to search for an audiologist near me and make an appointment officially to explore the suspected issues.
The Signs: Everything Just Seems Dimmer
Does every conversation you take part in just seem a bit muffled? Are voices coming across as mumbling or muted? Does music in the car just seem a little on the low side?
If any of these problems are cropping up on a regular basis, this could be a big indication that your hearing is not performing as it should be and there is a problem that needs addressing. Any new development that is causing straining or irritability should never be ignored.
You Are Turning Up the Volume More and More
A direct consequence of this might be that you are turning up the volume on televisions, phones, tablets, and music devices.
People may be noticing and commenting on how loud it is. This may lead to further frustration and cause tension in your life.
However, it doesn’t have to be an embarrassment. There are options to try out if you live with someone who is trying to support you, such as in-ear headphones that connect to the television or putting on subtitles while watching a film or program.
Deciphering Separate Words or Phrases is Hard Work
One of the biggest tells alongside everything sounding generally dimmer is that you are no longer capable of deciphering specific words and phrases.
Certain cadences just don’t register on your wavelength and you find yourself giving up altogether. Your ears work on a complex and multi-faceted basis. They are also extremely sensitive.
Just because one aspect of your hearing is performing, it does not mean that you will be able to make out clear phrases in conversation. This can all lead to confusion and agitation.
It is vital to get this symptom assessed by a medical professional, as it could be an indication of something more sinister than hearing loss such as mini-stroke or stroke, brain damage, or ear trauma. All these conditions can cause hearing loss but also difficulty in understanding and are worth ruling out.
You Are Isolating
If you have noticed that you are staying clear of your usual social haunts because you are either frustrated, feeling worried, or embarrassed about your recent hearing developments, it is time to get help. Isolating yourself can have devastating consequences on mental health and the capacity to engage with life on the flipside.
There are routes forward to get assistance, so you don’t have to shy away from friends and family. You could try any of the following tips to re-engage.
- Be upfront about what you are struggling with. A problem shared is a problem halved, and you will be pleasantly surprised at the level of support people you trust throw your way when you open up.
- Ask for accommodations. Instead of meeting in a busy restaurant, suggest a meal at home instead where there are fewer hearing obstacles to battle.
High-Pitched Noises Are Not On Your Radar Anymore
One of the first indicators that not all is well with your ears and their innermost workings is an inability to recognize high-pitched sounds on your auditory radar.
This may be a natural part of ageing, as when people get older they organically lose some of the ability to hear these frequencies. This is just the body ageing and is unavoidable. Or there may be an underlying issue such as a specific damaged nerve or virus underpinning the symptoms.
Whether the problem feels small, or you have gone completely deaf overnight, your ears are an essential part of the body. Being able to hear is a fundamental part of the sensory system and anything that threatens that ability is a thing to intervene with. There are multiple opportunities to find answers if you manage to engage with the correct professionals.