
5 Reasons Most People Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping is a huge part of our lives, but many people don’t sleep enough (and might not even realize it!).

From differing priorities to a lack of a consistent sleep schedule, there are a variety of factors contributing to a person not sleeping as much as recommended. Here are some reasons why people don’t get enough sleep.

1. They Don’t Know How Much Sleep to Get

With the busy nature of today’s world, people usually don’t get as much sleep as they are naturally supposed to. So if they don’t know how much to get, they likely won’t get enough.

People generally recognize that it’s important for children to get more sleep, as requirements typically stabilize around age 20. However, adults still on average are falling far short of how much they’re supposed to get, which is around seven to nine hours each night. Many adults are unaware of how much they should be sleeping, and this is a primary reason why they aren’t getting enough.

Few address it, but it is also possible to sleep too much. That can be a symptom of depression and cause other health concerns. Medical professionals can recommend rest amounts to strive for if individuals aren’t sure how much they need for their circumstances.

2. They Prioritize Other Things

Just because people know how much sleep they should be getting doesn’t mean they’ll start sleeping that much. Often, people don’t get enough sleep because they don’t put it high on their priority list. It’s easy to justify staying up just a little bit later to finish the show or get a little more work done.

It might not seem like a big deal to stay up “just this one time,” but pretty soon, the justification gets easier and easier. And even one night of less sleep than normal can have a compounding negative effect, making it harder to get back on track.

3. They Don’t Have a Consistent Sleep Schedule and Routine

Oftentimes, people don’t get enough sleep because they lack consistency in when and how they go to bed. Of course, the pandemic had plenty of effects on sleep, one of the most notable being the disruption in normal routine, which includes our sleep schedules. It is powerful to set up a consistent and personalized regimen, considering aspects such as bed comfort and placement, lighting, scent, and temperature.

How comfortable your bed is, especially the quality of your bedding and mattress can be one of the most important elements in a sleep routine. This is especially true when you don’t get in bed until it’s time to rest, reinforcing the habit.

4. They Have a Hard Time Falling and Staying Asleep

Some people give themselves the right amount of time to rest, but then they aren’t able to fall or stay asleep the whole time. This can often be from a combination of factors, including feeling overly stressed, worried, anxious, or stimulated.

Taking control of your stress with strategies like writing a to-do list for tomorrow before going to bed or getting things ready for the morning as part of the nightly routine will often soothe these worries, making it easier to fall asleep.

Another important aspect is your sleeping environment, which should be relaxed and calm. Sleep disruption can come from light exposure in the bedroom, and that includes the light that comes from electronic devices. Keeping the room dark, cool, and quiet can help people fall and stay asleep.

5. They Need Professional Help

Sometimes, people aren’t able to get enough sleep not because their priorities aren’t in order or they don’t have a dark enough room, but because they have a condition that requires professional help.

Sleep apnea, for example, may keep people awake and give them headaches or leave them feeling tired even after a good night’s rest. Getting a prescription is quick and can do wonders for getting the right amount of sleep.

Alternative medicine can also aid many sleep problems, so don’t be afraid to try that type of healing as well.

With something this important to our lives, you want to make sure that you give it the attention it requires. So prioritize getting a good night’s rest.


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