
4 Ways To Sharpen Your Intuition & Fully Trust Your Gut Feelings

Getting back in touch with your intuition and learning to trust your gut feelings takes time. However, if you want to learn how to make a decision with confidence, you’ll need to work on this.

We have all experienced times when our intuition spoke to us. At first, maybe we didn’t know what it was. Maybe we thought it was fear. Maybe we mistook it for an untruth and we chose not to listen to it, let alone act on it.

Then there are times we have all listened to the nudge, to our inner voice, and allowed our gut, visions, and knowingness to lead the way.

Often we do not trust ourselves because of the times we didn’t listen. We judge ourselves and push our intuition further away. It creates a downward spiral in our self-trust and negative self-talk.

However, what we don’t realize is that all those times we did not listen provided a profound gift.

It showed us what our intuition uniquely sounds like, feels like, and looks like.

Every time it spoke, regardless of if we acted on it or not, it was part of our journey. It was part of learning the language of our soul — our own unique intuition.

In creating and tending to a deep relationship with our intuition, the doubt and fear dissipate.
It evaporates into thin air.

And instead of in retrospect wishing we had made a different choice, we are able to — in the moment — act on our intuition without needing any intellectual reasoning or proof.

This is a skill. And as with any skill, it requires practice and patience. It is like building a muscle or learning a new language. This takes dedication and encouraging self-talk. It requires compassion and the willingness to be the observer and notice what you notice.

Our ability to know what our intuition is and how it speaks to us, interpret the messages, and act on them is the shift from living in fear and disconnect to love certainty and empowerment. This is when we are truly free and are living an intuitive life.

Here are four ways to sharpen your intuition.

1. Journal

Write down a list of all the times you can think of when your intuition spoke to you and you didn’t listen. Notice what comes forward as you explore the past. What was present to make you doubt yourself? How did your intuition speak to you? Did it speak to you in different ways given the situation? Look for any patterns.

Also, journal the times you did listen and take action on your intuition.

2. Forgive yourself

Remember that you did the best you could given the information you had at the time. Hindsight is 20/20 for a reason. You have had so much learning and growth since that time and if the situation presented itself now, you would most likely incorporate the learning and lessons. Just as in looking back, you can now see more options of what you could have done. This is how we grow.

3. Find gratitude

Those times allowed you to know what your intuition is. It was informing you and creating a bridge between you and your intuition. Thank your intuition, yourself, and the circumstances of the lessons and wisdom, even if it was a very challenging experience. Find the wisdom to grow within the experience.

Also, find gratitude for the times you did listen and take action on your intuition.

4. Fall in love

Love yourself. Fall in love with your intuition and make a commitment to creating a healthy, loving relationship in which you communicate daily, fostering trust, awareness, and empowerment. Vow to to be your own guide and allow your intuition to lead the way.

You are a capable, luminous being and when you activate this part of you, magic happens. You are in the driver’s seat of your life, leading yourself with certainty, empowerment, and joy.

When have you listened and acted on your intuition and when did you not?


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