
4 Things He Really Wants You To Be Doing In Bed

Your guy wants you to tell him what you want.

He wants you to tell him when you want him to kiss you harder or softly. He wants you to tell him how and where to touch you. He wants you to tell him about your favourite positions and the things that he does that take you to another place.

He doesn’t want you to give him instruction, he wants you to give him guidance. He wants to please you in the best way but he can’t do it without your help. In other words, he wants you to just say it.

Your guy wants you to be honest with him.

He wants you to tell him when a position is making you feel uncomfortable or causing you to feel pain. He wants you to let him know when you’re in the mood or when you’re not.

He wants you to tell him if you had an orgasm instead of faking it. He wants to know if you do things for him just to make him happy or because you also really enjoy them. He wants you to talk to him about your past sexual experiences: the good, the bad, the awkward and the beautiful.

Your guy wants you to communicate with him.

He wants you to open up about your sexual fantasies; To tell him what you’ve been dying to try in the bedroom and show him the things that you find interesting, but need some courage to try. He wants you to talk about your sex life without fear or hesitation. He wants you to express your needs with him instead of talking about it with your girlfriends.

Your guy wants you to be confident.

Besides asking for what you want, he wants you to embrace your sexuality. He wants to see you be this innocent, yet sexy goddess.

He wants to hear about all the things you’re about to do. He wants you to talk dirty to him. When he goes down on you, he wants you to moan about how good it feels instead of being silent about it. He wants your confidence present over your insecurities because he loves you regardless. He wants to hear how you want to try something new this time instead of doing the usual.

Your guy wants you to compliment him more often.

Tell him how good he’s doing. Tease him about a quirky, hot memory had in the bedroom. Praise his skills, his patience, and his giving nature. He wants to hear he’s appreciated, desired and loved.

Tell him how he’s the one guy you want to do this with. Tell him how sexy you think he is especially when he does that one hot thing. And tell him how you love the little things about him that most people tend to miss, like his beautiful smile, his tender voice, or simply the way he kisses you.

Basically, he wants to know what your heart is feeling, what your brain is thinking and what your body is experiencing at the moment. All you really need to do is say the right words at the right time.


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