
4 Reasons Why You Should Massage Your Pregnant Partner

Source The Ghana Report

It might not come as a surprise, but since the COVID-19 pandemic forced many into lock-down, there has been a surge in pregnancies in the United States.

Initially, the onset of the pandemic resulted in a “baby-bust” where there were fewer pregnancies as compared to the previous year; those numbers have since reversed, however, and the U.S. has seen a rebound in pregnancy numbers.

Following the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, family planning has been a topic of conversation for a lot of households. For those who are already expecting, added stress to pregnancy can be harmful to the mother and child.

Thankfully, romantic partners can help pregnant companions through massage.

Massages are a great way to reduce stress for both the receiver and provider. Not only does massage between romantic partners increase feelings of closeness, but this specific behavior also has several health benefits for mothers.

Here are four benefits of massage for pregnant women:

Back massages promote oxytocin and break milk production. For new mums, the stimulation of spinal muscles through massage encourages the release of oxytocin in the body and increases milk production. In this study, mothers were asked to sit on a chair and lean forward with their arms on the table without clothing on the upper half of their bodies.

The massage, provided by a researcher, massaged the spinal muscles. This type of massage would be easy to reproduce at home by a romantic partner and likely would reap the same benefits.
Endorphins from massages help anxiety levels during labor. Massages are known to stimulate the production of endorphins in the body.

Because endorphins help promote a sense of calm and comfort, mothers who receive a light massage can significantly reduce their anxiety levels during labor.
Massage reduces back pain in the third trimester.

Lower lumbar pain is a common experience for mothers as their bodies adjust to pregnancy. Another benefit of endorphins being released through massage is that endorphins help reduce discomfort and pain in the body.

A review of nine journal articles indicates that massage in the third trimester can significantly produce endorphins and reduce back pain for mothers.
Massage significantly improves childbirth satisfaction. Any mums out there can attest to the stressful experience of labor.

A systematic review of six journal articles indicated that massage significantly helps childbirth satisfaction.

Apart from the clear physiological benefits of massage mentioned above, it is apparent that massage can ease the mind of mothers which can significantly and positively impact their reflections on childbirth.
For most people, massages are a great way to wind down and feel completely relaxed.

Such benefits may arguably be even more important for women during pregnancy, as well as during and after labor.

Physiologically, massage produces oxytocin and endorphins in the body which consequently helps milk production and reduces physical pain and discomfort.

Psychologically, massage reduces anxiety and improves childbirth satisfaction for mothers.


If you have a pregnant partner and want to find additional ways to help them, offer them a massage and witness firsthand the benefits of this affectionate touch.

1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says

    Yes it is really good to practice that to pregnant paterner

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