A devastating fire has gutted a one-story building in Ahenema Kokoben, a suburb of Kumasi, leaving eight bedrooms destroyed and dozens of tenants homeless.
The fire was allegedly started by a 25-year-old man, identified as Papa, during a heated argument with his elder brother.
According to eyewitnesses, the argument turned violent, with Papa chasing his brother with a knife.
The brother fled the house, and flames engulfed the building shortly afterwards.
Firefighters arrived promptly and prevented the fire from consuming the entire structure.
Despite their efforts, the blaze caused extensive damage, destroying items worth hundreds of cedis and leaving tenants with significant losses valued in the thousands.
The incident has displaced multiple families, who are now grappling with the loss of their homes and possessions.
Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.
However, as of the time of this report, Papa remains at large.
Residents are urging law enforcement to apprehend the suspect and clarify the circumstances surrounding the incident.