
20 Signs You Are Meant to Be Together

Often people want to be given clear-cut signs you’re meant to be together with a partner. That’s a reasonable expectation whether it’s been a couple of dates or a several month time-frame. No one wants to waste time and effort if it’s going nowhere.

What those who have experienced being “meant for each other” can tell you is, it’s not all about physical attraction nor physical intimacy.

It is an instant familiarity, a “click,” almost like you know this person, an immediate comfortability that has not been experienced with another partner. We’ll get deeper into it as we go.

What Is the Meaning Behind A “Meant To Be” Relationship?

Genuine meant-to-be love is somewhat different than the pants-on-fire, urgency that tends to turn out to be an infatuation in many instances, often running its course in a matter of months or perhaps longer.

In attempting to define a relationship where two people are meant to be together, it’s almost like being introduced to a close friend or family member who was missing. You know you sincerely don’t know this person, but they need to be part of your life.

Each of you feels an instant connection, a comfortability that neither of you has ever experienced, and both of you can be who exactly you are with no pretense.

There’s an instant sense you could spend your life with this person despite the fact there will be differences and hurdles to get through because all relationships have these, even one of pure love with two people meant to be together.

How Can You Tell If A Person Is Destined For You?

You will know when you meet them. It’s difficult to explain to other people unless you’ve gone through having the not-meant-to-be partnership and then the meant-to-be experience. It’s exceptionally surreal.

The person will undoubtedly feel like someone you already know, someone you’ve met, or a close friend or family member you might not have seen for a while. There will be instant comfortability and familiarity.

The time that you spend with this person will indeed be peaceful. You’ll experience contentment and fulfillment without the need to use vices to fill voids, but you’ll also be able to spend time apart without any resentment. There’s no pretense, just normalcy.

20 Signs You Are Meant To Be Together

The signs might be subtle, or they could be exceptionally bold for couples that are meant to be together. Some signs you are destined to be together might include:

1. There is no pretense

No one is pretending to be something they’re not in “if it’s meant to be, it will be relationships” from the first day forward. There are no nervous knots in the stomach, no feelings of worry about sharing information.

It’s almost as if you want to tell your best friend all your secrets, and you know you’ll be safe in doing so.

2. You’ll notice a sense of balance between the two of you

One of you might be a bit more gregarious while the other could be somewhat more subdued, but together the balance is immensely satisfying.

Where one has a particular set of strengths, the other might carry an opposite set of strengths. Together weaknesses are diminished.

3. Each finds a semblance of safety together

You can share secrets, tell what you might consider wild dreams, admit where you feel you’ve failed, and discuss hopes for the future without fear of judgment because there is safety with your vulnerabilities.

4. Neither of you questions, “are we meant for each other”

The feeling is mutual that there is a definitive connection and a sense of being “at home” when in the same room. It’s almost as if no one else is around because you’re caught up in the presence of the other person, conversation, laughter, friendship, and love.

There is also friendship and enjoying the other person’s company with genuine, pure love. You know you could go anywhere having a great time, and live with this person with the feeling of home no matter where you go.

That in no way means there won’t be ups and downs or arguments. Love is not perfect, and no one should anticipate that. But these are merely serving as signs you’re destined to be together.

5. The quirks and flaws are evident but accepted

No one wants to change the other person; instead, accepting and appreciating what is unique. Each person will come with specific habits or things they might do differently. If these go without arguments or battles, you can count that as signs you were meant to be together.

For instance, a nonsmoker accepts a smoker, but they discuss fear for his health and possible loss of life. From that point forward, there is mutual love and respect for the partner’s decision.

6. Exclusivity

Without speaking of exclusivity, neither person desires to continue looking for another person to fulfill them. When you fall in love with someone for who they are, this person is already all things for you, including the best friend, confidant, mentor, lover, soulmate, and more.

If you see no reason to make any changes with your partner or validations, justifications, nor do they for you, you can say we were meant to be together.

7. Independent time is okay too

You don’t need to spend every waking moment with this person. Each of you has your space and enjoys individual activities, friends, extended family time without the other person, happily and with no repercussions.

8. Jealousy is never an issue

Because you feel so comfortable with each other and the partnership, there is never a time that either of you feels insecure within yourself or with the other person’s feelings for you.

It’s reasonable to point out the attractiveness of other people comfortably in a discussion without fear of retaliation.

9. Laughter is healthy and should be a part of each day

If two people are meant to be together, they should be able to laugh at or with each other in any given situation. Laughter relieve stress and, in general, brings feelings of happiness; it’s overall simply healthy mind. The right partner will get your sense of humor pretty much right away.

10. Working on the relationship takes two people

Despite having all the signs you’re meant to be together, you will still have challenges as any couple does. The difference is that each of you will want to put forth an honest effort to find ways to work through those problems and come out healthier and more robust for them.

11. Encouragement, motivation, and support are always available

While your partner enjoys the person you are, and you don’t feel you have to pretend to be anyone else or change who you are, a good partner is always an inspiration.

That isn’t an indication that the partner wants you to be someone else. It merely means partner encourage you to grow towards your dreams and move forward into the goals that you set for yourself.

As a partner, you should serve as motivation for your significant other to do the same.

12. Physical attraction and sexual compatibility are essential

While the physical and sexual connection is not what drives a “meant to be” relationship, these are, of course, among the primary components of a healthy partnership. One of the signs you’re meant to be together is that you do have that “fire” together.

You immediately feel that you know the person, but you’re also sexually compatible, and that doesn’t fade even years into the partnership.

13. Transparency is not difficult, even when the truth might be harsh

Sometimes there is a strong urge to tell a little white lie. Whether it’s to spare feelings or to prevent what will be an inevitable argument, that is avoidable.

Generally, with this type of partnership, transparency, while tricky, is usually the way a partner handles situations, upfront and honest, even when it’s challenging.

14. You’re not looking for kudos

Regardless of whether your partner is aware of your integrity or not, you always take the best path because you have their best interest at heart. Whether they’re aware or not of the things that you do for them or how you sacrifice in their honor, you will do the right thing every time.

In saying that, there should be no expectations attached to that. You shouldn’t expect anything in return. The sacrifices you make in a meant-to-be relationship are out of love, and those should be pure of heart.

15. Arguments don’t turn to disrespect or bitterness

Signs that you’re meant to be together are the ability to argue respectfully. Yes, there will be arguments, and, yes, there will be ups and downs in a partnership that’s meant to be.

The difference is the partners will not travel into an area of disrespect for each other, nor will there be a manner of holding grudges or periods of not speaking.

The two of you will talk until the issue gets settled because when either of you is upset, it bothers the other person.

16. Love is never perfect

In that same vein, you should never expect your love to be perfect simply because you found the ideal partner. Love is never perfect, and if it is all sunshine and roses, you should run away because it’s neither sincere nor authentic, and there’s no passion.

Someone is not complaining about the towel lying on the floor in the bathroom or dishes being in the sink, and that’s not normal.

17. A bad day is made better

Signs you’re meant to be together are about knowing when you get home after having the absolute worst day; you will automatically feel better when you walk through the door and see your partner smiling at you.

That should automatically reduce stress and bring joy to your heart, plus a good foot rub never hurts.

18. There is genuine peace

There is calm, peaceful contentment that you might never have experienced with true love to that point. It’s almost like you don’t have a desire for anything because you have all that you need.

That isn’t saying you put all your emotions, needs, desires, and wants into a person because you should never do that – you should get counseling for that.

The indication is where once you were trying to fill what you found to be an empty void with things, perhaps like shopping or comforting yourself with food or another vice, maybe even marathon dating to attempt to find the right person.

Now you don’t need any of those things to satisfy yourself. You still enjoy shopping; food is still a form of entertainment, but these don’t consume you. You’re without any significant vices to attempt to fulfill a void.

19. The activity doesn’t need to be outrageous

Everyone likes to get out of the house for some fun and entertainment.

But when you have a thoroughly good time with your partner regardless of the activity, that indicates being meant to be together, even just sitting around the fire pit with some spicy hot cider and a blanket on a nice fall night.

20. Stand behind each other at all times

You might experience difficult times that will test the relationship. The priority is to stick together no matter how hard things become, supporting each other through the challenges and realizing tough times are not one person’s fault.

Blaming leads only to ugliness between you making the problems worse. Usually, in a meant-to-be relationship, partners stand tough in each other’s corner.


Those of us who were fortunate enough to have found the meant-to-be-together-in-partnership mate can attest that it’s not something for which you will miss the signs.

The primary sign is immediate and makes a significant impact. Throughout the dating cycle, validation of being made for each other occurs, leading ultimately to a more profound commitment.

The wish is that everyone finds a meant-to-be partner at some point in their lifetime.

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