14 Phrases People Use With New Parents When They Have No Empathy
When you’re a new parent, everyone has an opinion about you.
New parents often express annoyance at hearing phrases that minimize their experiences, question their parenting abilities, or put undue pressure on them to be perfect.
A 2022 study from Antioch University concluded this is particularly true when they are already feeling overwhelmed, sleep-deprived, or dealing with the significant life changes of new motherhood.
On behalf of all new parents, especially young moms like me who have to endure assumptions, stereotypes, and personal questions, here are some phrases I’m so sick of hearing people with no empathy say to me.
Here are phrases people use with new parents with they have no empathy:
1.”You’re pregnant!?” Was it planned?”
What an invasive question to ask anyone, and more importantly, why does it matter? Whatever the answer is, you’ll still judge me.
2.”You’re a mom?!”
Then they’ll act so surprised and say, “Oh my gosh, I could never be a mom right now! I’m way too irresponsible. Aren’t you sad you can’t party? Or have a life? Oh, my gosh!”
3.”Oh, you’re Catholic/Mormon/Mexican/Southern? No wonder you’re a young mom!”
What a disturbing prejudice to have, and then say out loud to someone.
4.”Ha. Babies having babies …”
Do you think I’m a child and not an adult woman?