
10 Ways To Clear Your Personal Energy Field (For Good Vibes Only)

Have you ever felt like you were experiencing a series of unlucky events and wondered if you were cursed?

Maybe you have felt off, not really like yourself, and you wondered if you picked up some bad vibes or some other type of energetic mess. Often, these messes feel hard to shake, like they follow us around.

We all likely know this feeling. The good news is, there’s something you can do about it.

Recently I was out on a trail with a friend. Her sister had suffered some bizarre and unfortunate events in her life. They were not devastatingly bad, but painful and complicated. For example, one of the events was a dog bite that required medical attention.

My friend suggested that her sister see a curandera. In her culture, this is a healer who uses folk remedies to conduct a clearing or limpia on their clients.

First of all, she had me at, “in my culture we see a curandera.” I love the way different cultures have a subculture of healers. These are the people you go to when modern medicine might not do the trick.

Working as a psychic has brought me in contact with many types of people. It is very common for my clients to use both metaphysical healers and traditional medicine in their wellness plans. This is not widely advertised in Western culture.

Our conversation inspired me to explore ways you can clear your personal energy field when a curandera is not readily available.

Here are ten ways to clear and recharge your personal energy field

1. Salt healing

Meditating in a salt room, taking salt baths or swimming in salt water are all great ways to bring balance back into your mind and body. Salt therapy combined with sound healing or meditation is a great practice for helping keep your energy field clear and balanced.

2. Grounding

Grounding practices are another way to keep you steady and strong. They are often used for helping with anxiety or panic attacks, but grounding as a practice can be used at any time to help you clear your energy.

3. Balance your chakras

Balancing your chakras with a morning meditation is an easy way to ground yourself. This helps you receive beautiful healing energy from the source. Chakra-clearing meditations can also help you notice when something begins to feel out of balance.

4. See an energy healer

Get a tune-up periodically with a trusted energy healer. You have the power to keep your energy flowing smoothly, but when you begin to feel worn out or frayed, set up a time with a healer. This can be a Reiki practitioner, shamanic healer or anyone you trust with your most valuable asset, your wellness.

5. Release your toxic influences

Check for toxins in your daily life. Are there people, habits, or thoughts that are welcoming toxins into your life? Do a check at least monthly on the people in your life. Release toxic people and behaviour as quickly as you can.

6. Release low vibrations

Talking and laughing with friends is a great way to shake low vibrations loose. Imagine the heaviness being released from your body every time you laugh.

7. Use crystals

Explore the world of crystals to help you find peace, balance, and protection.

Ethically-sourced crystals are an easy and beautiful way to keep your home and body balanced. Wear your crystal jewellery on your left side for receiving your desired energy. Your right side is for reflecting specific qualities out to the world.

8. Visualize balance

Visualizing your body, mind and spirit completely aligned and protected is a must for maintaining balanced energy. Before you start your day, imagine that you are surrounded by a protective energy field. At the end of the day, imagine all lower vibrations being released from your body and mind and spirit.

9. Exercise

Moving your body is a great way to keep your energy flowing. This can be passive when you are having body work done, or activities like running, yoga or swimming.

10. Appeal to your angels

Reach out to your angels and guides for protection and inspiration every day. You can ask them to release anything that is no longer serving you. Energy can be released on many levels, including past life and karmic lessons.


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